Inspired by their CEO's internal rallying cry to restore the company back to greatness, we penned a new themeline for American: #GoingForGreat. We blanketed New York, L.A. and Chicago with hundreds of outdoor boards, mass transit, geo-targeted digital, escalators, bus shelters – you name it. And the results were pretty ... well ... GREAT. Out-of-home dominations delivered nearly 200 million impressions. Users spent over 25 hours within rich media ad units. The online campaign provided over 550,000 click-throughs to our market-specific pages. And Going for Great was truly embraced internally. After they saw such success in those three U.S. markets, American decided to roll out Going for Great globally – so we creative directed teams from McCann offices in China, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and England for some highly localized executions. (If you're wondering, we learned that "great" in German is Größe.)

#GoingForGreat was featured in the New York Times by Stuart Elliot.

Our theme (and our work) started showing up all over social media.